As featured in a recent issue of Melbourne’s Saturday Age (see image)…
Osteopaths (like us) are trained not only to look at your presenting complaint, but also to “tune in” to surrounding areas that may affect what you are presenting with.
In order to do this, we develop over time a fine palpation sense that often has people asking the question:
How on earth can you feel that?
And really – the only explanation we can give is that we pay attention to what your body’s structure is telling us. Combine that with seeing a few thousand people, and you get a fair indication of a) what to expect, and b) how to solve the problem…
Our treatment style & approach is designed to get you well, fast.
Not only that – but our goal is to enable you to STAY well – which may require a few stretches or simple exercises to help you reduce pain and improve your long-term spine health.
So – how can we help you?
Give us a call on 9329 7011 today – and see for yourself.